Quality Engineering Services

Avaksh TechnoCorp's quality assurance engineers engage in rigorous quality assurance and testing throughout the software development process. This includes various types of tests such as business cycle tests, white-box unit testing, load balancing, database integrity testing, usability testing, security testing, performance testing, verification testing, and acceptance testing. These tests help identify and resolve bugs, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software.

Whether you require testing for mobile, web, or personalized solutions, we carefully select our software engineers and quality analysts with the most suitable expertise. This allows for real-time collaboration, ensuring that our team works in sync with your project needs and delivers thoroughly tested applications.

Our testing services cover a wide range of areas such as functional and regression testing, GUI and usability testing, accessibility testing, performance and load testing, installation and configuration testing, system and integration testing, application security testing, localization testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT).

Our testing process is well-defined and comprehensive, starting from the inception of a project and continuing through functional testing, deployment, and product quality metrics. We follow agile processes and maintain close collaboration between our QA and development teams for each iteration. This enables us to quickly adapt and respond to changes.

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