Skill Development

Being a country of over a billion, theoretically, India should be able to support with ease, not only its own manpower requirements, but that of other economies as well. Yet, our domestic corporate are finding it increasingly difficult to gather recruits who possess relevant industry skills, technical as well as soft skills; employees who would be contributing to the organization from day one, who are accustomed to a high performance work atmosphere and have technical as well as soft skills suitable for a business organization.

AVAKSH, has a vision to be the safest, most progressive Technology Provider, relentless in the pursuit of client and employee excellence. The Mission followed is to capitalize on the efficiency of Information Technology Industry to serve Clients. We strive constantly to make AVAKSH a winning competitor both today and in the future. We embrace bold strategies that will lead to our success in the marketplace. We aggressively leverage our unique set of assets to provide exceptional value for our shareholders and Clients.

When organizations like yours want employees who are engaged with their missions, values and visions, aligned with their strategic plans, and who have the skills needed to drive performance, they turn to AVAKSH.

Founded as a Engineering service focus company with a big vision with a dedicated team of brilliant engineers & software professionals AVAKSH has maintained a phenomenal growth over the years. Spotless delivery record of many successful project deliveries over the years has been consistently record generating over 80% of business from repeat clients. AVAKSH has been technology partners with many software product and engineering consulting/service companies globally.

AVAKSH is in the field of Professional Training to groom human resources and ready to deploy in Industry. It has a panel of corporate trainers who have experiences of training the best MNCs and now engaged with us as a training partner for our in-house as well as corporate training segment. The team of trainers has been selected with the objective to groom trainee in corporate culture, hence the team of trainer consist of working professionals and professional trainers.

With the changing global scenario and India turning out to be knowledge based economy like US, there is a huge requirement of technology professionals worldwide. The Need of interactive learning and maintaining high quality standards in technology education is the need of the hour. With over 10 million upcoming new jobs in emerging technology sectors like Software Development, Web Development, Software Quality Assurance, Embedded Systems, Automobile Industry, Telecom Industry, Architecture domains etc.; YOUNG INDIA must opt for technology training that comes from the professional organizations like us, that is high quality, reliable, cutting edge and complete. Such training will not only equip students to participate in the job-rich emerging sectors, it will also allow existing professionals to re-skill themselves with more up-to-date technology knowledge.

Program Design

AVAKSH programs are designed to make a student ready for an entry-level role. The design starts with a Role-Tasks-Competence-Skill-Learning Objective mapping exercise to get a close fitment. The learning is driven in a high involvement experiential environment through a closed-loop learning cycle. Each learning objective is driven through the three elements of:

  • Concept Comprehension
  • Concept Application
  • Industry Alignment

Domain Experts

AVAKSH believe in engaging the best of the resources from the industry for delivering our programs. These domain experts engage with the students throughout the program to make sure that the students develop the expertise of managing the tasks.AVAKSH engage with a team of domain experts for various roles:

  • Technology Experts
  • Process and Functional Experts
  • Language and Communication Experts
  • Organizational Experts
  • Industry Expert


AVAKSH partners with universities/colleges to transform the face of talent to service the emerging knowledge-economy of India. Our programs provide specific skills set across organizational and domain expertise to make the candidate fit perfectly to a role in the industry. Our platform provides the much needed transition from a student to an industry professional. AVAKSH offer different programs to help students in their efforts to start a rewarding career.

The programs are divided into three separate groups:

  • Career Programs: AVAKSH Career Programs are mapped to specific roles in the industry. These programs impart both domain and organizational skills thereby making the candidate workplace ready
  • Skill Modules: These modules are meant for students who want to strengthen their skills in selective areas like written communication, problem solving, organizational behavior, leadership, team building etc.
  • Assessment Series: The assessment series is meant for students who want to understand their level of preparedness on industry expectation. The student gets a comprehensive skill-level analysis of the performance and benchmarking against standard.

Students who undertake AVAKSH Certificate programs benefit by :

  • Getting a job through results driven training.
  • Cost-effective learning at the door-step.
  • Personalized learning for maximum effectiveness with minimum effort.
  • Access to best-of-the-breed pedagogy and industry experts.

The training can be conducted at your campus as well as our campus in Noida as per your convenience. The training will bent more on practical aspects of a technology than on theoretical. The training will also contain unique technical seminars headed by various industries’ technical experts.

Value proposition to the student

  • Meaningful & relevant education as per Industry Requirements.
  • Hands on practice on cutting edge Technologies with modeling.
  • Interface with the industry & an understanding of the corporate culture & work environment.

Value proposition to the Academic Institution

  • Provide industry relevant education at minimal cost.
  • Brand Image of the institution gets enhanced by imparting industrial training program.
  • Employability quotient of the student increases hence the placement gets augmented.

Value proposition to the Industry

  • Low cost of talent acquisition and training.
  • first day first hour productive employee.
  • High growth due to ready availability of quality manpower.

Training methodology


Delivered using a blended ILT (Instructor Led Training) & e-learning architecture.

  • Collection of Learning Content & Case study.
  • Instructor-led classroom & virtual sessions.
  • Case Studies & White papers.
  • Links to thought capital on the Internet.

To provide flexible, targeted oracle training, the courses in the series are built to support a blended learning approach – where it is possible to build a learning path which takes into account both the best of traditionally instructor-led class-room training with the benefits of cutting-edge e-learning technology.

Plan to Start a Project

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